Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Company provides affordable insurance for Homes, Farms, Businesses, and Vehicles in Ayr, Ontario, and the surrounding area.
Insurance Made Mutual
There's a difference between Mutual insurance companies and "other" insurance companies. As an Ontario Mutual, we believe in being there for our neighbours and lending a hand when it matters most.
We believe in building better and stronger communities. We believe that our small company can provide better service.
Since 1893, Ayr Farmers Mutual has protected and invested in generations of families, farms and businesses at the heart of our community.
Discover the Mutual Difference
When you have insurance with Ayr Farmers Mutual, you are part of the Mutual difference. You are a part of putting people over profit. The focus is always on you, the Policyholder. You're not a customer, you're a member and an owner - you're part of something great!
We invest in local sports teams, events, community projects, and other initiatives. We work together. We take pride in what we do. We believe in honouring the past and knowing where we came from. Our roots run deep.
Discover the Mutual Difference today
Our Mission
We build lifelong relationships and create personal experiences to protect and care for our people, Policyholders and communities.
Our Vision
Through our care, be the insurance relationship of choice in our communities.
The accessibility to our Agent and the team at Ayr Farmers Mutual is second to none. If something isn't quite right, our Agent is there for us. That's more than any price can give us.
Our Values
Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Company was built over 130 years ago by a community in need. The foundation they created has stood the test of time by relying on essential core values that we exemplify in all we do.
- We value all our people; Policyholders, Directors, Employees, Agents, Brokers, and all our business partners. They are the strength of our organization.
- We value compassion and respect for each other.
- We value fair and flexible business and employment practices.
- We value a workplace that is professional and pleasant to work in.
- We value social interaction with all our people.
- We value the concept of “all under one roof”.
- We value working together for common goals.
- We value diversity and inclusivity of all people.
- We value creating an environment where people have a sense of belonging.
- We value integrity in all our business dealings.
- We value accountability as an organization and individually.
- We value our strong historic roots in our industry and community.
- We value consistency in our approach to decisions.
- We value being proactive, self-motivated and passionate.
- We value positive energy.
- We value embracing and adapting to change.
- We value open communications.
- We value listening to others.
- We value sharing our knowledge and continuing education.
- We value the importance of long-term financial stability.
- We value the sound management of the assets of the organization.
- We value being community-minded.
- We value being environmentally and socially responsible.
Our Commitment
To our Company
We will commit to be engaged employees and positive representatives within the company, community and industry, dedicated to professional development and embracing change.
To Our Customers
We will commit to providing personal and respectful service with integrity to our customers, to best meet their needs.
To Each Other
We will commit to communicating in an open, positive and respectful manner. We will support each other both personally and professionally along with celebrating our achievements.
Our Environment, Social & Governance Statement
Since our creation when the community bound together to form Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, we continue to foster those initial behaviors and beliefs that incorporate environmental, social and governance criteria into our longstanding commitment to our employees, Policyholders, and communities in which we operate.
We apply a well-established view of Environment, Social & Governance (ESG), that aligns with our core values and commitments as an organization that is owned by its members.
ESG is embedded in our strategy and structured around all components of our business where we can provide a positive impact on people, products, communities, our environment, and corporate governance.
Insurance That Works As Hard As You
Please contact us and Get Started Today! One of our Agents will work steadfastly to provide you with the information you need. Just shopping around? No problem! Our Agents are happy to help provide you with information, so you can make the best decision—For You.